Dive into the Future- Accountable AI: Responsible Governance of AI and Emerging Technologies

Step into a world where technology meets responsibility. The California Western Law Review and International Law Journal proudly present an immersive experience into the heart of artificial intelligence's ethical landscape. This isn't just a symposium – it's a journey, a debate, a revelation. Join us as community leaders, tech visionaries, and legal trailblazers come together to sculpt the roadmap for responsible AI and emerging technologies.

Are you ready to be part of the conversation that shapes tomorrow?

Join us on March 22, 2024.


Dive into the cutting-edge discourse on AI accountability and governance! Join us at the 2024 Spring Symposium hosted by the California Western Law Review and International Law Journal. Explore the evolving landscape of responsible governance in AI and emerging technologies. Don't miss out on this crucial conversation. Want to know more? Click 'Learn More' for detailed information and registration.