David Rousseau

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David Rousseau

David Rousseau holds a B.S. in Aeronautical Engineering. He started his career at the Naval R&D Center in Bethesda in 1976. He served two years as technical advisor on the staff of the Commander, Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor.  Transferred to the Navy R&D Center in San Diego in 1987. Member of the joint Army Navy team evaluating border security for the Kingdom of Jordan. Member of the team evaluating operations for tanker escort through the Straights of Hormuz during the Iran Iraq war. Rousseau was a pioneer in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, he wrote the seminal paper on the application of VR technology to Naval operations in 1992. Retired in 2018. He has been a staff member of the Sierra Club’s Wilderness Basics Course for 19 years and served as Chair for 2 years.  He is also a member of the Sierra Club’s San Diego Chapter’s Conservation Committee and the Executive Committee. 

Roger Kube

M. Bob Kao